My Neovim Repo
This setup will help you get a Neovim setup for coding, DevOps and text editing
This setup will help you get going with Neovim, with a lot of useful plugins and LSP's that makes coding and text editing efficient and a lot of fun. I highly recommend watching this Youtube content from Josean Martinez before continuing. I got started using his setup, and added my own stuff on top op that.
Get my setup
First, get my public dotfiles repo:
mkdir -p ~/repos/ cd ~/repos/ git clone cd ~/repos/ rm -rf ./.git
Install Neovim. I am a MacOS user, so I'll use homebrew:
brew install neovim brew install neovim-remote brew install ripgrep brew install fzf brew install wget brew install node brew install treesitter brew install python
Install MacTeX - A LaTeX compiler for MacOS
brew install mactex
Install and configure Skim, a pdf reader that integrates well with neovim and LaTeX compilers:
- Download and install Skim from here:
- Go to Skim -> Settings - Sync
- Under PDF-TeX Sync Support -> Preset: Custom
- Under PDF-TeX Sync Support -> Command: nvim
- Under PDF-TeX Sync Support -> Arguments: --headless -c "VimtexInverseSearch %line '%file'"
Make your own local git repo
git init git add -A git commit -m "initial commit"
Symlink the neovim config:
ln -s ~/repos/ ~/.config/nvim
Start Neovim using this command:
You might have to restart Neovim a few times for Lazy.nvim to finish installing everything and their dependencies.
This will get you started. I cannot guarantee that it works on your system. Keymaps could make some issues, these you have to figure out. Happy learning!